Register/Enroll Students » S.A.F.E. Program » Expanded Learning Opportunities Program

Expanded Learning Opportunities Program


The SAFE & ZONE Programs is excited to announce that we will be offering additional programs to service Hemet Unified Students students starting in January.  The program will now be The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program and will offer a variety of programs to support students. 


More information regarding the Before School program, Educational enrichment, Enrichment, and NON- Student day programs coming soon! 


Bautista Cawston
Cottonwood K-8 Fruitvale
Hamilton K-8 Harmony
Hemet Elementary Idyllwild K-8
Jacob Wiens Little Lake
McSweeny Ramona
Valle Vista Whittier
Acacia Cottonwood K-8
Hamilton K-8
Idyllwild K-8
Rancho Viejo