Individualized Student Assistance (Short Term Independent Study, Temporary Program Independent Study and Student Support Partner Program)
The Individualized Student Assistance department oversees several programs within the ELO-Programs.
Short Term Independent Study (ST-IDS) is an optional alternative instructional strategy for students whose needs may best be met through study outside of the regular classroom setting due to an emergency, vacation, or illness. Students on short term independent study remain enrolled at their home school and will return to the regular classroom at the conclusion of their short term contract. The minimum period of time for a short term independent study contract is 3 consecutive school days. The maximum period of time is 14 school days. No student can exceed 14 total days of short term independent study during the school year.
Temporary Program Independent Study (TP-IDS) is for those students who have exceeded 14 days of ST-IDS and need to continue in a temporary independent study setting. This alternative instructional setting is not intended to be permanent and students are encouraged to return to their homeschool site as soon as possible.
Student Support Partner Program (SSPP) The Student Support Partner Program (SSPP) is specifically designed to improve the achievement of focus student populations - such as homeless and foster youth - by adding academic and/or social and emotional support during high school, beginning in grade 9. Student Support Partners accompany a caseload of approximately 20 at-promise students through facilitating connection to resources, district and community supports and advocating on behalf of them when a student's need requires an adult advocate. This advocacy includes supporting students and families in building self-reliance in eliminating or minimizing the impact of the situational or systemic barriers that prevent regular school attendance.
Saturday School
Hemet Unified School District is maximizing funding resources to provide quality programs for all Hemet Unified students through an expanded and updated Saturday School Program. By participating in Saturday School, students will benefit from the following:
- Assistance in reading and/or math
- Help with homework
- Participate in credit recovery
- Participate in fun enrichment activities such as science, art, theater, STEM, etc.
- Increase physical fitness through fun PE activities
- Healthy Lunch before going home
While students benefit by participating in the fun Saturday activities, the district will be able to recoup funds to help provide continued quality instruction. The following dates have been established for Saturday School sessions for all Hemet Unified School District sites. You will be notified one or two weeks before each date of Saturday School.
2024- 2025 School Year Saturday School Dates:
October 12, 2024
November 16, 2024
December 14, 2024
January 25, 2025
March 1, 2025
March 22, 2025
If you have questions, please contact the
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Office at
951-765-5100 x 3561
Think Together (Currently Serving Hemet High, West Valley, and Tahquitz High Schools)
Safe/ZONE, B4 the Bell

Scholarly Minds Academic Enrichment
Scholarly Minds Academic Enrichment Program operates five days a week (Monday-Friday) and begins right after school for an hour. Parents have the option to have their student participate one to five days a week. If students wish to stay longer, they must enroll into the SAFE/ZONE programs. Students will receive daily encouragement to complete daily goals in English Language Arts with a focus on the mechanics of reading, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension. The daily math goals that are provided will deepen conceptual understanding which will support mathematical understanding towards higher level mathematics. Parents/guardians, teachers, middle school counselors, and school site administrators may recommend a student for entry into the program, but the parent/guardian must sign the student up for enrollment considerations.
CHAMPS Sports, Clubs, Dance, etc.
CHAMPS (Champions Inspire, Have Respect, Accountability, Manage Behavior, Positive Attitude, Strive for Success) operates up to five days a week (Monday-Friday) and students will report to a predetermined location right after school for as long as the program is in session. Once the program is over, parents must pick up their student. Parents/guardians can sign up their students for more than one enrichment activity each day, which will allow students to participate one or more days a week. If students wish to stay longer, they must enroll into the SAFE/ZONE programs. Bussing may be required for some activities and parents/guardians will be notified in advance of this arrangement. The recreational enrichment activities are inclusive of, but not limited to the following: Soccer, Volleyball, Band, Strings, Art, Dance, Lego Robotics, Knitting, Board Games, E-Sports, Gaming and so much more.
Student Non School Days
Passport to Vacation operates on days when school is not in session (non-student work days) but does not operate on holidays. Teachers and external vendors partner with the ELO-Program to prepare engaging activities to strengthen 21st Century Skills while encouraging student collaboration. The days that programming will be provided for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:

No School for Students:
Summer Session
NEW: Monday July 8 - Friday, July 12 (5 days)
Friday, October 18 (1 day)
Thanksgiving Break:
Monday, November 25 – Wednesday, November 27 (3 days)
January Break:
Thursday, January 2 – Friday, January 3 & Monday, January 6 (3 days)
Presidents Week:
Tuesday, February 18 – Thursday, February 20 (3 days)
Spring Break:
Monday, March 31 – Friday, April 4 (5 days)
Summer Jam:
Monday, June 9 – Friday, June 30 (15 days)
Thursday, June 19, 2025 (Juneteenth Holiday: Not School)
2023-2024 ELO-Program Survey Results